28 March 2009

Crossbin puzzle #2

Binary magic trick

I've added documents for the binary magic trick activity that I use after introducing the students to binary numbers.

This includes the cards (to cut out) and a set of instructions on how to perform the trick.

22 March 2009

Crossbin puzzles

I've started adding crossbin puzzles to cse4k12.org. Crossbin puzzles are similar to crossword puzzles except that the clues are hexadecimal numbers and the answers are binary numbers.

When the puzzle is complete, the grid is filled with '0's and '1's. Then all the '1's can be filled in with black (and, optionally, '0's erased to white) to create a simple black and white image.

These are useful as a simple exercise in a computer science class after the students have been introduced to binary and hexadecimal numbers (and how to convert between them).

Basic instructions and a simple example are given at cse4k12.org:


16 March 2009

New Spritely tutorial: Adding a Projectile

I've added a new tutorial for Spritely that shows how to add a single projectile to a game project.


13 March 2009

Spritely in action

John is using Spritely to introduce his son to programming and made a video:


It looks like I have to get my act together and make more tutorials available (e.g., projectiles).

08 March 2009

SIGCSE 2009 slides

Here are the slides from my SIGCSE 2009 presentation:

"Introducing Computer Programming via Gameboy Advance Homebrew"